
This Combination consists of:   3 of 3×6 m Marquees   OR   4 of 3×4.2 m Marquees.

Hire cost: $207 for Navy and $267 for White. (Price excludes walls & weights for hard floor, pegs are free)

(Please note: You can connect our marquees with gutters (offered for free) so the water doesn’t seep through.)


STEP 1: Note the number / sizes of marquees required to make this setup.

STEP 2: Go to the booking page to check availabilities of those marquees on your date and book.



Navy Blue Marquees 3 Navy Blue Marquees 2 6x9m Marquees Setup0 6x9m Marquees Setup4 6x9m Marquees Setup2 6x9m Marquees Setup3